Thursday, December 2, 2010

Translation (English-Mongolia)

1. You need to read your text very well at least 4 times
2. You have to understand main meaning of your text
3. Translation requires wide range knowledge
4. You have to divide paragraphs of your professional text that same meaning
5. After that you can work sentences of chosen paragraph
6. Subject and main verb of sentences can be described before start to translate the text
7. You have to find objects of that main verb
8. You have to find objects of that subject
9. So don’t hurry to translate unknown words quickly
10. A translation usually requires some research to learn about your profession read, reference material and research terminology
11. A customized glossary may be created for texts that contain technical or specialized terms
12. You will combine to translated parts
13. Your translation have to be expressed one meaning
14. You have to convert your translation to Mongolian style
15. Finally you have to quality control your translation

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